
  • Home Made Resonator Boxes 101, v.2.0  This link is to a group on this site.   Lots of info. there. 

  • Thanks for all the replys. Lots of good ideas!

  • I use 1/4" wood for the sides. I have used both pine and oak. I like spruce tops. I cut 1/8" slices off of a 2x3, plane the edges and glue them together. I make the back similarly, but with whatever wood I am using for the sides. The fronts are glued on and the backs are screwed on. The box sides have a simple 45 degree cut at the corners and corner blocking. I glue a rim round the back of the sides to use as a base for the screws for screwing the back on.
  • I use door skins to make LPG's, just put bracing in the corners and you're good to go.

    • I normally use door skins for the bottoms.  Glue them up, and then cleanup on the belt sander.

  • I make my own boxes for license plate resonators... I typically use 1/4" hardwood (same as my fretboards.) I use a corner clamp to ensure they are square and just butt them up. A piece of rectangular scrap fills the corners and makes then stronger...

    • As with John Sawyer's reply I make lpg boxes from 1/4" red oak plywood, which I sometimes use for the bottom also. Other times I use paneling and in one build I used twin matching plates. As John stated, a scrap glued into each corner, and also one appropriately placed to screw down the license plate. Box is painted or stained, sometimes distressed with chain or chisel and a jitterbug sander.

  • This drawing is for a reso with a dovetailed neck.To make a neck through,substitute a plain top and miss out the neck and tail blocks.You wouldn't need the back bracing either.306569057?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • I just bought some oak plywood 1/4" to start making my own boxes, like Jawbone it's tough to get a good ready supply especially of common size boxes. Many of the cigar bars around me will sell the empties but I found I get what the church ladies don't pick up and what a couple other builders pay extra for certain boxes that the bars hold onto for them. I've tried to find a supplier of raw boxes or someone to build them for me at a low cost but haven't done so well so I decided to attempt hacking out my own this coming weekend and see how it goes. Haven't found any good plans or tutorials, so maybe someone else has or has seen something.

  • I make my own boxes, just because I can't find a ready supply of CB's, plus I find them fiddly to work with, plus I have a forest full of trees and a bandsaw. I don't do anything fancy, I did a couple with dovetail corners but switched to butt joints with dowels. The sides are about 5/8" thick and 2" high - the boxes average about 8 x 12" unless it is for a licence plate or whatever. 

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