hey guys

Prob about to cause another shitstorm thread with lots of name calling and fists flying! lol ;-)

Question is I an a tiny bit familiar with mandolin and its tuning but I recently came across an intrument called a BOUZOUKI which if im correct is similiar tuning but not as high in pitch! In not huge fan of high pitch!

So has anyone built a cbg version and used that tuning?

If so how did you find the tuning?

Do single notes sound a little closer to chords as you have two fist and last note of 151 tuning?

Apologies in advance for any bar fights about to incur!

As always thanks guys!!

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  • 306437051?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Here is a pic of what was intended to be a 4 string, 21 inch SL, Tenor Banjo with a 10 inch round cookie can and when the can vibrated too much, I put this big cigar box on.  It's now a Octave Mandolin tuned GDEA, one octave below a mandolin.

  • I"m guessing this is a lot like a Cuban tres guitar.


    • Interesting thats another new one for me! didnt even know there was standard looking guitars that have that kind of tuning!

      Are there any standard type guitars that are 3 or 4 string apart from uke! normal scale guitars?

    • cheers Oily just what i was looking great info!

      Brilliant playing as always I see also you get some amazing sounds from if im not mistaking one finger chords?

      Would love to hear it amplyfied with a bit of dirt!

  • The mandolin has all the cousins that the violin has: mandola, mandocello (or occasionally mandolonCello) and mandoBass. There was a brief period of 'mandolin orchestras' (popularised mostly by Gibson marketing efforts) in the 40s..

    A mandola is tuned a perfect fifth below a mandolin (ie capo one to fret7 and its a mandolin), a mandocello an octave below that.

    Bouzoukis are different, although you could certainly put one in mandocello tuning
  • I heard a bouzouki player in a cheese shop once.

    Also, you can consider the octave mandolin if you don't like the high pitch so much.  Same tuning as a mandolin, but one octave lower.  Scale length being longer makes it easier for me to play as well.  You can get commercial strings for them as well.

    Good luck.

    • A bouzouki player walks into a cheese shop...

      The punch lines kinda' write themselves.

      • I like it runny.

        Sometimes, just a bit of the joke is enough to bring a laugh.  :)

        • that joke is probably a little runnier than you would like.

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