
  • Thanks Bob I'll check it out.

    Bob Holland said:

    I never hear anyone talking about this place, but he has a lot, I mean a lot of different wood.
    In Gibsonville, North Carolina

    I never hear anyone talking about this place, but he has a lot, I mean a lot of different wood.
    In Gibsonville, North Carolina
  • Yeah it is weird. numbers like here 7 is lucky and yeah 13 is bad 40 is everywhere. but you know we have weird supersitions too. if you spill salt throw some over your shoulder or don't walk under a ladder. Its strange how we have those things. Yes maple syrup is the stuff. Here its 5 bucks a bottle.My wife won't use anything else.
    lenny purnell said:
    billy freedom said:
    nah they wouldnt run you off its just one of those things like you drink beer cold and the brits dont. the ancients had superstitions about rocks and trees and it passed on like you paint eggs every march but really dont know why its just always been that way. for instance in europe they dont know what open tuning is, they cant warble a slide (just doot doot doot like steppen wolf) and they hold them like spanish classical guitars minus the footrest. and they sing blues lyrics wrongs its pretty funny but jams are still fun. and a six string tar player wont even say it has 6 strings because its tuned Cc GG cc they say 3 pairs 3 is a good number 3,7 and 40 always how many years did moses wander the desert? it rained how many days and how many nights? ali baba and how many theives? jesus was on the cross how many days? jonah was in the whale how many days? a genie grants how many wishes? a choice of how many doors? numbers mean alot to these people. israel does know maple and maple sugar hmmmmm i think i want some waffles with real syrup 60 cents a shot :D
  • billy freedom said:
    nah they wouldnt run you off its just one of those things like you drink beer cold and the brits dont. the ancients had superstitions about rocks and trees and it passed on like you paint eggs every march but really dont know why its just always been that way. for instance in europe they dont know what open tuning is, they cant warble a slide (just doot doot doot like steppen wolf) and they hold them like spanish classical guitars minus the footrest. and they sing blues lyrics wrongs its pretty funny but jams are still fun. and a six string tar player wont even say it has 6 strings because its tuned Cc GG cc they say 3 pairs 3 is a good number 3,7 and 40 always how many years did moses wander the desert? it rained how many days and how many nights? ali baba and how many theives? jesus was on the cross how many days? jonah was in the whale how many days? a genie grants how many wishes? a choice of how many doors? numbers mean alot to these people. israel does know maple and maple sugar hmmmmm i think i want some waffles with real syrup 60 cents a shot :D
  • Thats interesting. Other cultures really do have different understandings of things. I wouldn't have ever figured that out on my own. They would run me off.I have oak necks with 4 strings on them. You know your instruments. Thanks for the info. I like learning the history of instruments especially stringed instruments. Thanks

    billy freedom said:
    in the east youll rarely find any instrument made of oak because the ancient mongols thought oak trees hated god. the limbs dont wave in the wind like other trees so they thought the trees hated god and wouldnt say hi. i have a saz from turkiye its old and made of maple mulberry wood and covered with walnut strips. also youll rarely find any chinese instrument with 4 strings the number 4 is bad luck like 13. its also rare to find a 6 string instrument the iranian tar which isnt as old as the caucasian tar is the only one. the strings usually go like this - 1 ektar, 2 dutar, 3 sitar, 4 chautar, 5 panjitar, no 6 string, 7 yes 8 yes 9 is usually the highest number of strings, but there are some 10 and 11 string like the azeri tar 13 is right out lol.
  • That's a shame maple syrup is the best. I wonder why they think oak is evil.

    billy freedom said:
    my ex in turkiye just discovered maple syrup they make instruments with maple necks there but they dont know maple syrup. they also have oak but they never use it they think its evil aint that a kick in the head?
  • You got me beat on this.I save popsickle sticks yet I have no idea what they taste like. I got to go get one and see how it taste. ___ Well yes they do taste better than pine. I thought popsickle sticks were birch.

    billy freedom said:
    another good source of maple is ice cream spoons and popscicle sticks, thats how i actually test for maple besides hardness, i taste it, every kid knows what maple sticks taste like, pine tastes terrible lol.
  • Hey Billy
    Thanks I hadn't even thought of that.I'll have to check it out.

    billy freedom said:
    try a hardwood 21" paint stick its made of maple
  • Hey Darren Thanks Mark helped me with a couple places. Thanks for your help though. I appreciate your input. Lenny
  • How much are you looking for?? I might know a place, not sure if they have a website, I will dig up the info for you..

    Big Daddy
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