
  • Why not just set aside the neck with fret board? You can then use it later, on another build. Then get another board and fret board, non fretted, and build what you want. The kit your talking about, will let you do that. Then you can make it for whatever length you wanted. The kit is for a 23 inch scale length. But by using other wood, you can make it longer.

    Note: the strings with kit is for 23 inch scale, so you can't use them for a longer or shorter scale, unless using a different tuning.

    For those who haven't built one of these kits. The board that goes inside the neck is lower, then the main neck is glued on top of it's protrusion out side of the box.

    • This was also an option that I have considered. Seems like less mess! This would also give morel flexibility to add my own markers.

  • I have used resin apoxy with great success to make fret lines markers. You can mix in many different colors and materials...mica powders etc. Just mix, pour into the void, let it harden for a couple days and sand it flush with the neck. Check out Amazing Clear Cast on Alumilite's website.
    • I did think of this solution, will check out the suggested site.

  • Hi, Yes BrianQ is dead right. Frets add stability to the neck, resistance to bowing upwards.

    I forgot to mention this, but, when pulling frets the barbs on the tang of the fret can leave the fingerboard, along the slot, in a mess as they can pull wood fibres out with them. When refretting that mess is covered up again by new frets, unless real bad. But that's another story.


  • Yes Taff, wood filler would be a Yuck situation!! Cable ties are the easiest, but if you decide to use wood, make sure it’s equally dense as the fretboard material?

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