
  • thanks.

    I've bought a tin of rustins so we'll see how that turns out.

    I just fancy making a multi coloured cbg with body sides and back just black.

    the  face painted in difference colours and then washing up liquid squirted all over and then sprayed black.

    once dried wash the soap off and it should leave the colours intact with black here and there .

  • I use Rustin's natural grain filler whenever I'm using open pore woods. You can buy a tin for about a fiver, mix it up with turps or white spirit until its the consistency of cream. Rub it into the grain, leave to cure overnight, rub off the excess and sand down from 220grit.

  • thanks for thr replies.

    its expensive for a one off.LOL

    • for a cheap and nasty solution try mixing smooth polyfilla (are you Uk based?) with water based primer, work it in, smooth off with a wide knife then lightly sand, repeat a few times

  • Sanding sealer works well for this. It sands well once cured. You could also apply shellac. I will fill the micro-grain, cures in minutes and sands well to give a near perfect surface for paint.

  • I've used sanding primer, several light coats and light sanding between, then a high gloss lacquer. I don't think it qualifies as "completely smooth" but I run out of patience before sandpaper.

  • shellac.

    Sharp block plane helps especially to get clean end grain finish

    Also I have some times used zinsser 1-2-3 primer, applied a few coats and lightly de nibbed after each drying

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