
  • My fretboards usually overlap by a couple of inches...they slide over the lid and, with the string tension at the bridge, keep the box fitting other glue or fittings needed.....

  • I run my neck all the way through the box. The fret board stops at the edge of the box with no overlap. This is just the way that works for me.

    • Same here.

  • thanks

    just wanted to verify my thought process since this is my first build

  • Will you still be able to open the box to access the inside (access Piezo, volumn pot, etc)? You may want to retain that access option.

    Also, if the fretboard is glued to the neck and box lid, then you will never be able to separate the box top and the neck/fret board. This may not be important to your build, but being able to separate them would allow you to further modify the neck should you decide to install a magnetic pick up (for example).

    If none of the above is relevant to your build, then I guess there is no disadvantage to gluing the portion of the neck that goes over the box top. On the other hand, I doubt that there is any particular advantage to gluing the fret board to the box top.

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