First one done (Almost)

Well, thanks to the fine folks here, I managed to almost finish my first build. I just need to hit the music store tomorrow and get some strings and go to the hardware store and get some tiny screws to hold the tuners. I made a few mistakes and learned a few things I'd change on my next build. I'm not totally thrilled with the results. There are quite a few flaws, but I guess they only help make it look like the primitive instrument it is. My biggest mistake was deciding to make a CBG as a gift, so the one I give to someone else will be my flawed first attempt. My second CBG will be much nicer. Here's a little bit of what I learned:


You need to start with a plan. Or I do anyhow, maybe a more experienced builder wouldn't. For instance, I laid it all out and built it by the seat of my pants. Had no idea if I'd use a peize or pickup. I settled on a pickup after my neck was already built. But I had no idea how big a pickup was and had to change my neck a bit to make it work. My head design had to change a bit because of available tuners as well.


Next time, I'd pick a different box. I got a Punch box because for some reason, the local smoke store has tons of them. It's paper covered and the top and sides aren't real wood. They're a pressed board almost like stiff cardboard. And I didn't like the paper covered box because the paper starts to peel and curl at the edges and corners in some spots.Next time, I'll seek out a better box, or, more likely, I'll build my own. I have lots of mahogany just begging to be resawn and turned into a box.


Fretting is a problem. Well not so much a problem, but it's a picky operation. The saw has to be held straight, and square. And the blade has to be the right thickness. I used a flush cut pull saw from Lowes. I've heard you can get one from Harbor Freight as well. I found the saw from Lowes needed just a bit of thickness taken off to make slots the perfect width. I just hit it with a diamond file a bit. I made up a jig to hold the neck and make square and plumb cuts. I never did settle on a way to control depth I was happy with. I ended up just sort of winging it. It worked, but some of my slots are deeper than they need to be. No biggie. But if I were going to do this seriously, I'd buy a proper fret saw. Probably don't need one for your first second or third build. But if you're going to make a hobby of this, get a fret saw.


I learned C.B. Gitty has very quick service. I got my fret wire quickly, and his fretting guide on CD was helpful. You could get away with fretting without it by researching the subject here, but his CD has all the info in one place and for the price, you can't beat it.


I learned how to interpret the "No Rules" slogan being thrown about. Truth be told, there are rules. If you want the thing to be playable, you have some musical rules to follow, but it's simple stuff. After that, you have some freedom with the build. What I learned is that sometimes you can't come to the forum to ask every little question. Sometimes, you just have to screw around with the materials and figure out stuff for yourself. Not because people won't help you, they will. But everyone has different abilities, different needs, different available tools, and different expectations of the final product. So, try stuff.


Anyhow, thanks to you all for the help and advice. I'll attach a few pics of my first build and the amp I built to go with it.




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  • Also check out Secrets of the CBG Underground and Building a Cigar Box Guitar 101 groups here. A bunch of us have put up tons of great tips.



  • My second CBG will be much nicer.

    Now you got it! Welcome to your new obsession [grin].

    You need to start with a plan.

    Yes you do! In all cases the best thing to do is to at least have an idea of what you are trying to accomplish. I made that mistake just recently and I've been building for quite a while.

    I learned how to interpret the "No Rules" slogan being thrown about. Truth be told, there are rules. If you want the thing to be playable, you have some musical rules to follow, but it's simple stuff. After that, you have some freedom with the build. What I learned is that sometimes you can't come to the forum to ask every little question. Sometimes, you just have to screw around with the materials and figure out stuff for yourself. Not because people won't help you, they will. But everyone has different abilities, different needs, different available tools, and different expectations of the final product. So, try stuff.

    Nailed it. In truth that is what we really mean. When anyone asks a question, they will get numerous right answers. Right in the sense that the responder trusts their experience enough they can give an informed answer, BUT, the other answers are equally valid. I RARELY encounter anyone here that answers someone and I go 'WTF? Do you even build?' Where the heck did you get that information?'


    Keni Lee Burgess put it best recently:

    I simply look at "No Rules" as "No Limitations".

    Working within and beyond the conventional standard approaches.

    Do what you want. Wander where you desire.

    Certainly when breaking rules, you will be faced with the consequences of your actions.

    If you can face adversity with a smile, you are bound to break through into some uncharted territory and walk down that "road less traveled" by yourself.

    It is basically facing the Kobayashi Maru, if you know what I mean. LOL

    I teach, but essentially I don't want my students to follow. I follow my teachers, but essentially I don't expect them to lead.

    A good teacher puts the student out in front. He points the way. He does not shield them from making their own mistakes, but helps them to learn from them.

    Answer questions to the best of your ability, but encourage people to seek things greater than yourself.


    Great going too!



  • >My biggest mistake was deciding to make a CBG as a gift


    A good friend of mine told me that when you make something, you should always give away your first for good luck. I think she just wants mine lol, but you never know. She's pretty smart when it comes to things like that!


    That was an ambitious first build man, my hat's off to you and big congrats on finishing it. It looks good.


    One little thing... I saw the copper coupling slide in your pic. I tried one of those and it just didn't have enough mass. I got a threaded coupling from the same hardware store and it's better, but I'm still looking for a great "stubby" slide. The heavier they are the more sustain and tone you will get.

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