
  • Blue M&Ms.  Not the best band name.


    • Maroon moose pattern pistachio's .... don't you know???

  • And now for your listening pleasure, Plaid Macaroni.

  • navy blue coffee!! pretty sweet

  • Or Latex Condiments


    Ok how about:

    Woolen Hunger strike?

    Flannel Cheerios?

    • Hahahahaha! Latex Condiments!!!!

      "Would you like flies with that?"

  • Black Thai. Wow that's actually pretty freekin' cool. I didn't even get it, till I typed it.


    • That is pretty cool...far better than, say,

      Rubber Biscuit

  • Blue turkey meatloaf.


    song titles:

    Slummin' n' strummin'

    Pass the salt

    Mashed taters on the side

    Lost brussel sprout blues

    Dont trust the "best by" label

    Its got me under pressure


  • Blue beer! Arrgghhhhhhhh

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