Hi everyone, my question is: I play the blues and have been considering building an effects pedal. There seems to be so many to choose from. I want to build something that will enhance the sound of the guitar. I built a stomp drum which works really well. All opinions are welcome. Thanks Bill

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  • William -

    I'll second the idea of a multi-effects pedal or a modeling amp.  The digi-tech pedals are cheap - some of the effects are a bit cheesy, but with a bit of tweaking they can provide some pretty cool sounds.

    I picked up a Fender Mustang modeling amp off Craigs a few years ago for less than the price of just one name-brand pedal.  Lots of useful tones available.  My buddy the tube amp snob sheepishly admitted that it sounds pretty good.

    My $0.02,

      - John

    • i currently have a half rebuilt combo amp that the original solid state amp died. so i have built a modern 20W LM1875 amp module as the power amp and i dug out my old RP50 and pulled the board out. goung to use it as the pre amp and effects stage. feed into the power amp. not sure yet if i will need another gain stage between them.. time will tell. the tiresome part is relocating 13 Leds and 7 switches... from the RP50 to the front panel...

    • Thanks guys for all the information, about guitar pedals.

  • If your really liking the old crunchy stuff a Boss BD-2 is a great way to go. However I've found it way cheaper as a pedal than any clone you could build. Here's a link to that pedal and one to a BYOC version. 

    Boss BD-2 blues drive.

    BYOC version

    You can go to ebay and find these cheap.

  • i know this guy is in Australia but even Shane has been posting his pedals...


    for a few bucks you could pickup something like a digitech RP50/55 etc.


    there is one there with a $20 buy it now....  these things are not the greatest ever but come with 40 preset effects and 40 you can program yourself... not hard to program and there are many libraries of patches on the web..

    cheers from downunder and a happy 2017

  • And let's not forget the type of pickup your using. Piezos don't always work well with distortion and fuzz. I have a few of both. Never try a piezo with any of Devy Ever's fuzz boxes. : (  So if your looking to go low desert punk or psychedelic you might consider standard pickups. Even if it's just half of a P-Bass pickup set. Never had any real trouble with any echo or reverb. Vibe, chorus or flange. Just distortions and fuzz. On the distortion side I have everything from a Dan Electro 'Daddy-O" to a Mesa Boogie V-twin tube. Not much luck with any of them. 

  • I gotta agree with Ron on this one. It depends on the sound you're looking for.

    That being said, the next question is, are you looking to build from a kit or from scratch? There are several kits out there and some sites have sound bytes from the units to get an idea of what it sounds like. Check StewMac out. It might be a start.

    Another option is to build an amp with built in presets, like this one I built


    Just throwing ideas out there....

  • Bill,

    What sound are you looking to add to your blues?

    Distortion? Metal buzzcock grind? Chorus? Reverb (swampy or surf)? Flanging? Creamy tube break-up? Slapback tape-style delay? Fuzz? Octaves?

    That's why there's loads of options: because there's...lots of options. And everyone's tonal Holy Grail is different, because everyone's ears and brain are different.

    I'm not trying to be facetious; I'm trying to get you to narrow your focus to what you want, or think you want, so we can help.

    One thing you might find serves you well is to spend a self-indulgent afternoon at a local Guitar Center, testing various pedals and multi-effects units, to help you benchmark the tone you're looking for.
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