Hey all,

I bought my 86 year-old Dad a diddley bow for Father's Day. He's banging away on it right now, LOL. He wants to know how to play music on it...play a song. Are there any tabs or anything written for diddley bow that would help my Dad learn how to play it? Any info would be helpful.

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  • CBG-Nation has tabs, look through Shane Speals site he has lots of vids out there he should have some on thand e Diddly  bow, also look up old traditional folk music on enternet sometimes you find some old music there some even have tab. I wish that some of these guys that can play 2, 3 ,1, and 4 strings good who put out videos of them playing would also put out a tab sheet for us less fortunate musicaly inclined to follow, It would help in the learning to play the instruments easier and would also add to the song and tab inventory for everyone, there are a lot of good players out there we could all learn from. I watch someone make a vid of them playing their cbg to show how it sounds and plays this is fine and good, if you just want to know how good a player they are but most of us watch these vids in hopes of learning something how to play a song,learn it so we can play it to. Pass it on, your knowledge we less fortunates appreciate it when you go into some detail of what your playing and how your playing a song and to admire your new build also. Not meaning to sound like Im on the band wagon everyone has been so good but by passing on what we have had passed on to us bysomeone we are actualy repaying it back. I like so many otherss want badly to learn to play these instruments that we built, thanks for putting up with my rambling on but we others do need to know or understand how to do what it is your doing. Thanks again Marshal Robin, Long hollow horn.

  • a youtube  search with  "one string  "  in the title  (instead of diddly bow )  gives you more access to what you are looking for  ;-)

    • Cool. Thanks Pick!

  • If he has a song he likes he can learn to play the melody. Just have to do it. That's all there is to it.

    • Doesn't work that way for me!  I think it requires an ear for music.  I have played badly for several years and have never been able to pick out a song. 

      The one finger songs by Glenn Watt on You Tube are great.  He uses a three string but they could be played the same way on a one string.

      • I know where you're coming from, Kigar!   That said, I think you can start to develop a bit of an ear by playing - especially a one-stringer.  I've picked out a few tunes that way, that I think are good enough to be recognizable.   I agree about Glenn's videos - he's got a great demeanor in his lessons as well - - having fun!

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