Critiques please

Mom threw a luau and wanted me to make some ukuleles for the kids Really just short neck guitars with twine strings and large chopstick tuners on $1 fiber board boxes I did have the foresight to take care in c cutting the boxes so that an left over could be turned into real CBGs with little extra effort About the time I was finished with the tenth one she called and told me that she didn't want references to smoking so I had to cover them up Completely forgetting that mom was a prudish woman with absolutely no sense of humor I downloaded pictures of half naked Hawaiian women and glued them to the boxes So I ended up with all these boxes with pictures glued to them that could not be removed Unfortunately I had already tossed or destroyed five before my brain started working If I could glue on picture on one why not another Anyway Submitted for your critiques some incomplete projects based on that idea [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] These first two were for my gun buddies Kalasnikitty and Spartan (MOLON LABE) refrence [IMG][/IMG] This one was from an old old calender I had been saving for some reason There is a SNUS can with a piezo in it under the skin (right about at the horses butt) to act as a micro resonator/pick up

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  • I think these look great. Very cool, and just one more way to put your own unique stamp on these already unique instruments. Can't wait to see 'em strung up!
  • Closest I have left

    Started reworking this one yesterday for my wife's boss
  • That is Kalashnikitty
    The originator does a pretty good side business selling T-shirts at $25 a piece
    He and I are on some of the same gun forums and I worked a deal with him on using it

    The Spartan is a reference to the phrase MOLON LABE which has replaced the Cold Dead Hands line for supporters of the 2nd amendment

    Side Note
    Hello Kitty for some reason is very Asian every Chinese restaurant you go to has that stupid cat waving to you at the cash register
    My wife is Vietnamese and the AK to her and her friends and family is the rifle of the VC
    She is not amused even a little bit

    And by the way that AR 15 that Mortimer linked to is a real gun not a toy and is obviously a California gun
    That tells me that this logo has spread from Florida across the country
    Cool for me maybe

    Randy S. Bretz said:
    there cool looking, but I don`t understand a kitty cat holding an AK-47. whats the meaning there?
  • A hello kitty gun.
  • Randy, the kitty, is a "hello kitty" logo designed to target little girls in the little girl market of toys and anything else a little girl might want. Go to almost any toy store, and you will see the Hello Kitty logo everywhere.

    The gun is a sarcastic attempt to make fun of the logo.
  • Hey, I wanna see the ones wit the half naked Hawaiin women on!!!
  • I for one, liked miss kitty, I got it. It made me chuckle.
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