Diesel all wood boxes for sale.

I have 7 of these that I was going to make some guitars out of but have no time and my wife is getting ready to throw them out.  If you need photos let me know, these are nice boxes and the door slides out so you wouldn't have to secure it .  WIsh I had time to make one and if you want to trade a CB Guitar for all of them I could do that too.


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  • Gone
  • 306307262?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    • They seem to have uploaded... Nice looking boxes! Email me and we can talk brass tacks... sethmkent(at)gmail (dot) com

  • What is your email, I can't attach a photo here
  • I am in St Marys, north of Dubois, I will be in east stroudsburg friday
  • can you email me some pictures? Where are you located?

  • 8,351 results in Cigar Boxes   this is what the boxes look like and the lid slides instead of lifting up so you could add electronics and they would be easier to access.

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