My next project is going to be a Cigar Box PA system. It's going to be made from two large rectangular cigar boxes I have. I am going to mount a 50 Watt amp module inside one box with two large full range speakers in each "tower" connected by a cable/jacks. There will also be a 2 channel mixer in the other box with levels, reverb, and delay. You will be able to plug a guitar and a microphone into it. It will be 50 Watts. Handles for portability.  Perfect for a small gig and will look pretty cool.

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  • I have this brand-style of cigar box for my two speaker guitar cabinet. I'll post a topic in a minute... Skip the soundhole, use the cool flaps on the boxes! I put a keyhole bolt on mine so I can flip it open.

    If you're looking to do this on the cheap, use speakers from used home theater speakers or boombox speakers. Couple dollars for a driver if you search vs. $50+. The high end versions of either are usually 4 ohm and 20-50 watts.

    • A home theater sub woofer will work fine, but regular stereo speakers won't last long with a guitar or bass going through them.

      • I'm going to go for the Eminence guitar speakers on this one. I've decided to go all the way on this build. Thanks!

  • I'm sure they'll be deep enough. Eminence might make some 6 inch speakers for a reasonable price.

    • Thanks! I'll look into them.

  • Sounds like a cool project. How deep will the speaker box be?  Speaker boxes usually need to be 6'' to 12" deep to sound right. You can probably get away with something shallower for guitar or cbg with an open back or breather holes. What speakers do you have?

    • The boxes are 5" deep,  7.5" wide and 17" high. I have to figure out the best speakers for the real estate I have. I will use some sound holes for sue. 306479762?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

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