
  • Expressing yourself threw an instrument is much easier than doing it vocally. Singing becomes personal. Makes you more vulnerable. Singing takes letting yourself go. Allowing emotions to come threw. The more of yourself you can reveal as you sing the more people will relate to you. The more they will want to hear you. If Janis Joplin would have sung like she was in choir none of us would have heard of her. Yes when you first start out singing in front of people it is scary. You feel judged, vulnerable and insecure. Look at this realistically. What do you expect when you go to hear someone else perform? You want to be entertained. You want to hear something good. If you like what you do then chances are they will like it too. It's just as easy to psych yourself into as it is to psych yourself out of singing.

    Don't be afraid of failing. When I got up to do a song at the Kansas City fest I dropped the ball hard. I forgot words and guitar parts to a song I wrote. My singing and playing were both horrible. I felt like i just dropped my pants and yodeled in front of everyone. I was so bad two people even told me just how bad I was. What I took away from this experience is I let these people down. They wanted to hear something good and I didn't deliver. They're just like me. They wanted to hear something good. They wanted to have a good time. They wanted something to remember. Well, it was probably rememberable. But not in a good way. : ) My point is my failure was a wake up call. It's simple, get better. I don't have to be better than anyone else but myself. I'm doing everything I can to do just that. Failing is easy. Letting it stop you from getting better and back up again is wrong. I'm going to deliver. I promised myself this will NEVER happen again.

  • like this fella!! cant sing but its a catchy tune.

  • Bit like this place then
    Safe to fail

    There is no failure in life ,it's just learning

    People need warm encouragement to improve
    not a smack in the face.. ;>}
  • In respect to the US you guys say well done whatever
    It sounds like
    In the UK I think it's harder as people aren't so forgiving
    Wear a mask it helps hide yourself ..
    Beer and booze also help lots...
    But mainly with the confidence.

    Keith Richard also had to learn to sing for his solo

    But don't expect to be amazing if you never
    practice, it's just like learning CBG

    The more you do it better you get.

    However my wife sings in the key of Q
    as she can't match the notes she hears.
    But she can still sing something.

    Maybe it's listening,that is the key to singing
    and picking off riffs and tricks like we do with our CBG

    First tune your CBG to a key you can actually sing first
    It's basic but we do forget this.
  • I hate shows like 'American Idol' or 'The Voice'. They all stress technical singing and yodelers. If you can yodel out a word in pitch and staccato your on your way. Singing is about self expression. Not technical precision. If you can't sing like a piano your not good enough. Self expression and style are both lost. It's crap.

    • ...another thing with these shows is that amateurs are pitching themselves against professional big name singers by trying to do their songs and failing - if they were able to sing their own songs, as some of them could, things would be much fairer, but soon as anybody says they write their own stuff there's always a loud groan... :-/

      • I think the more you do it, the better you get and learn
        Some people's growl sounds great..
        Just do it and soon it will come easier.
        Just try and sing the notes you play.
        Blues comes from watching and learning from
        The chap before you and taking the bits you like
        and experimentation.
        Video yourself and learn from what you did
        so the next time it's slightly better..
        If you think you can then you probably can..
        I never sang before coming on this site, I worry
        less these day and probably still can't sing.
        But I enjoy it and ain't that's what it's all about.
        There's always an auto tune if you are really bad?
        I think singing is confidence
        It's getting the right notes that is the tricky bit..
  • I think of you believe in what you sing and you feel it, people will get the feeling from you

    Blues is a emotion and ain't that what it's all about?

    So, I think you just need to commit, go for it, and express something through your singing...

    This is the purpose, the meaning and the history of singing

  • That was a great article and very true.

    I can't sing, and I know exactly what I need to do to fix it.

    I need to practice proper breathing but I'm to self conscious about my voice to practice.

    I don't know why I never feel the same anxiety about playing an instrument as I do about singing.

    • if you're playing an instrument you know exactly how it sounds - on the other hand hearing your own voice is a complete shock, nothing like you imagine until you get used to it, but in a live situation the goalposts are moved again as you can't hear yourself through the PA and you get wrong notes without even realising it, takes a lot of experience to get past this  :-) 

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