Cake Pan Diddley Bow Experiment

I made this diddley bow using a cake pan - the string comes through the bottom of the cake pan, through the 1 x 2, up and over the bridge, over the nut and on to the tuner - the bridge is a metal pipe holder - If you lay the cake pan between your legs and play it as you would a lap steel you get quite a bit of volume - you can play it as you would a regular guitar but it lowers the volume because you have dampened the vibration of the cake pan - I will add some graphics to the inside of the cake pan soon - Just thought some of you might be interested in seeing it - DB

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  • Sounds good. I think its great the fun, and sounds you can get from whats at hand, without spending a lot.

    Dennis Brooker said:
    I'm going to try and upload an MP3 sound file sample of me playing the cake pan diddley bow into a cheapo computer mic - Wudya know - Looks like it worked - Feel free to comment - DB
  • I'm going to try and upload an MP3 sound file sample of me playing the cake pan diddley bow into a cheapo computer mic - Wudya know - Looks like it worked - Feel free to comment - DB


  • Cool would love to here how it sounds ,instead of adding another cake pan behind it you could add a wire mesh that is set off the cake pan , or mount it in a Cigar box / Box
  • Jay - Thanks for the compliment - DB

    Ottie - I'm thinking that if I added another pan or box to protect the, I'll call it the main pan as shown then it would protect the main pan and let it vibrate freely to preseve the volume, if that's what you are reffering to - I'm thinking that's next on the list of experiments - The advantage of this version is that it is pretty quick and easy to make - seems like everything in life is a trade off - DB
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