Busking Songs...

Does anyone have experience busking with cigar box guitars? What are your favourite songs to play? Not been playing CBG long but got the bug and started working out which songs I'd like to learn and go out to play. So far started with ....

Roadhouse blues

The boys are back in town

Walk of life

Don't look back into the sun.

What are your recommendations?


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  • "Even Straus, open tuning, with a slide, in G, and don't worry about a backing track. Hahaha.

     You know I wanna hear it... Probably not the only one.


  • Ok, Ray. I do not busk but do play at markets with my display. I have not responded earlier because I do not play popular music. Well, maybe enough to put a couple in here and there. And it depends on what type of guitar I'm playing.

    I play blues, and I find it goes down well, most people know of the blues but rarely see it played. So that's what I do. Many of the popular, folk, or country songs, I do are instrumental. I think people will stop and listen to anything presented well.
    Even Straus, open tuning, with a slide, in G, and don't worry about a backing track. Hahaha.

  •  What. Noone else?

  • I got my eyes on you - John Lee Hooker
    Rollin' and Tumblin'
    Everything is Broken
    You're Breaking My Heart - Harry Nillson (Just Kidding - R-rated)
    Zarathrusta - Richard Straus (Just Kidding, but if you can pull it off, I wanna hear it!)

    I am the slime - Frank Zappa  - (Educational)

  • Play songs that people will recognize right away, and don’t forget to SMILE :) 

  •  I can't speak for what would be fun to play while busking but I got suckered into singing once at a karoeki,(How do you spell that horror?) so I chose "Dang me" from Roger Miller. It was fun to sing amongst friendly acquintances. Got a positive reaction. (No fruit or vegetables were thrown) Not much help, I know, but hoping to stir up some more replies.

     Good luck on your busking. 


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