
  • That's a great build! I like that you used a piezo... but now for his birthday you'll have to build him an amp in a smaller (matching?) suitcase.

    • Thanks, that's a cool idea, but he has an old Fender twin reverb he loves.

  • Pretty awesome build! I hope he appreciates the hard work.
    • Thanks, I hope so too.

  • Look's cool. Did you make the neck or purchase it? How does it sound?

  • if it still smells like "Tabu" inside ; run like hell! i ain't kiddin! RUN

  • whoa! looks like momma's old samsonite finally got a use!

  • kewl  .  ;-)

  • I am building this as a Christmas present for my father in law. He has always wanted a stand up bass but they are just too expensive. I just got it tuned and playing now I have to finish the detail work, clean up the f holes and try to whiten the trim.

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