
  • use a really long stick of wood for the bridge, that goes from rim edge to rim edge, slightly arched to let the plastic vibrate freely like the resonator head on a drum...

  • Secure the bridge from the bottom of the tin. Using a piece of wood just big enough to keep the bridge from going through. 

    • Hi, try nylon strings.


      • yes thats the plan i have a pack of ukulele strings that are nylon. just debating the scale length  

  • It might hold the tension if you put a wooden ring on top and used fancy screws to fix it to the top of the tin. Then you could heat it with a heat gun and tighten it. ...maybe you could use it as a resonator on the canto if you can find another box or tin that will fit inside. 

  • Go for it , no "fails"  just   "discoveries" of another away that doesn't work.  ;-)

  • Pretty sure it wouldn't take it but you could test it by putting about 45lbs of weight on it.

    You could also use the other side of the tin for the soundboard and build a terrarium inside that can be viewed from the back.  : )

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