There are a few of us in the Boston area and I'd like to invite you all to my open studio next weekend. My shop is located in an old factory in Rockland (just south of the city) amoungst a bunch of artist types. My wife who makes cool Victorian and steampunk costumes and accessories is open as well. We go by the name "Guitars 'N Corsets" and have lots of fun with this enterprise. All the artists in Rockland open their studio to the public over the weekend, so there is something for everyone.  Check out the Events page for more info and drop me a line if you have any questions.

So as Ernie says "Come on down!" We'd  love  to meet you!

One more thing: one lucky visitor will win a Cigar Box Ukulele!

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  • Hi Michael,
    As far as artists go, it seems most media are covered. In my building there are painters, sculptors, printmakers and wearable art makers. The other building has many more artists. Here is the web page for the group:" target="_blank">

    MichaelS said:
    I wish I were a little closer, I'm on the easter edge of NY about 2 hrs away. Sounds like fun. What are the other artist types, my wife is an artist, maybe I can convince her it would be a good day out.
  • I wish I were a little closer, I'm on the easter edge of NY about 2 hrs away. Sounds like fun. What are the other artist types, my wife is an artist, maybe I can convince her it would be a good day out.
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