I have a 3 string fretless. Is there a tuning where I can play major, minor and blues- 7th chords with a slide, all in one tuning?

I know I can play all the majors in open G.I think in Minor chords I should be playing the root,minor third and perfect fifth. If I want to play G7 or D7 what 3 notes should be played to make it sound the most bluesey? I think it should be a tritone of the root,4th and 7th notes? Is there one tuning where with a slide I can play one or a combination of strings to have the most choices and play major,minor and 7th chords. Also where can I find words and chords for good blues,folk and roots songs suitable for the CBG?

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  • EBE is what I find most accessible. This particular model of tuning works with other keys as well. you basically have a power chord. But you can play individual lead notes on the high string and keep the root chord with the remaining two lower notes. Tune up or down to change the key.

  • Thank you Brad for your purchase. I would suggest if you have the time, watch the lessons like a TV show from beginning to end like a TV show. This will give you a better overview of the approach and make learning easier. Please feel free to write if any questions arise as you work through the lessons. Happy Holidays Enjoy.   

  • Thanks for your reply Keni. I have already ordered CD4 and you have shipped it.When I get done with 4 I'll order 6. Any other advice? Brad

  • Thank you Seaman for your endorsement. Please check out my instructional video CDs:


    Especially, CD 4 and CD 6 for 3 string

    On CD 4, I use GDg tuning and then retune using the same strings to ADf# tuning for CD 6.

    I think you will find all your questions answered.

    On CD 6, I teach a "moveable chord method", that functions very similar to the system used on a standard 6 string.

    It is easy to learn and works real well (if I say so myself LOL)

    Please feel free to write if I can be of any further assistance.

    Enjoy your practice. Happy Holidays, Keni Lee 


  • I'd go for ADF# tuning and playing 7th chords without the root note. Check Keni Lee Burgess'  videos and CDs for more...

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