
  • i have a pignose 30 bass amp... my CBG's sound excellent through it

  • Supro Amps were made for Bass originally. Jimmy Page used one with his Tele on the first 3 Led Zepplin albums.
    Most Marshall amps are modeled after the Fender Bassman amp.
    Rock it.

  • he'll be pleased to hear that.thanks

  • I have several bass amps and have used them to fill in when there were not enough guitar amps, and they worked perfectly.

    the note of caution is about going the other way, plugging a bass into a guitar amp...keep the gain/master/volume low or the bass could tear the guitar amp's speaker cone.

  • I own a GK Backline with a four ten cab. Yes you can! Bass amp speakers are designed for a lot more abuse than a normal guitar amp. All the slapping and popping you hear. Plus the lower frequencies. Hope he has a blast with the guitar you make! 

    SRV LOVED 15 inch speakers. He used to put tape directly in front of the cone of a regular guitar speaker grill. Just to block out some of the shrilly highs he didn't want. Fender used to sell regular guitar amps with 15s. 

  • You should get a good enough sound I think. Back in the day many guitarists used Fender Bassman amps for the extra muscle in the amp. As long as you're playing on a reasonable scale length the top notes should be fine, and the low notes should rumble like thunder.
    All the best from Bill. :D
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