Aw, nuts......

No, really. Nuts. Guitar nuts.

Looking for a neck for a new build in my other thread, but having a tough time finding what I want. But then, I had a flash of inspiration.

The neck I've found closest is 24-inch scale (good), 4-string (good), bolt-on (meh, but I can make it work), bone nut (good), but it's unslotted (bad).

So my question is would it work to buy a slotted bone nut and cut it down to 4 strings?

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  •  Fret files are great,  cleaning files for  blowtorch tips are dirt cheap in a pinch...

     But if you can't afford anything else-save your broken strings, cut them to about 6-8 inches, just big enough for your hands to grip or to wrap the ends around some dowels. Find your slot location, nick it just enough with a craft saw or triangle file-then pick the string gauge you want and begin filing it with the matching string...professional fit every time. And if you break the string in the process, grab the other fragments you kept...

    BTW, if you want gut, fluorocarbon or similar-or even very light steel-you might be able to use bamboo or hardwoods for a nut. Many a disposable chopstick have I sacrificed for Ukulele nuts and saddles, even used them for a banjo with light gauge steel, though I barely scored those and let the strings settle in a their own pace for a few days. And don't forget that bamboo can be heat treated for greater hardness-I use a cheap toaster oven for the process.

  • 12200467883?profile=RESIZE_710x12200468082?profile=RESIZE_710x  Hi James ! some nut Bone stuff ! models for acoustic ,or DIY for cbg ,i agree whit  Taffy about the file ,use only for the wounded string ,i say, for the others, i use a small metal saw, i gleu em whit componenten glue (mix),on to the neck slot, dril a small hole , for a safety (small) nail aswell to sequre!  easy peesee ! done in a jippie ,you just need the stuff (Buy) otherwise use a soep BONE but it smells nasty if you cut it whit a saw ,but its cheap ! there are tricks to ,whit a dowel to get the right height !Good luck!

  • If you don't fancy spending the cash on proper nut files, a set of nozzle cleaners is a cheap option. You effectively get a cheap set of tiny round files for not much cash.

    Good luck :-)

  • Ha ha James, I've been using the same flat pencil for over 25 years. 3 corner files may give a too-wide slot for some strings. some needle files will work and even a saw cut for others. But nut files are the best option.


  • I learned the 'flat pencil' trick. Pretty cool...
  • Google is your friend.

  • OK, really don't want to, but I guess I gotta try cutting one.

    Can someone point me to a good tutorial?

  • I would say no.  The spacing will not be right.  Get some small triangular files & notch it.

  • Why can’t you make your own? 

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