
  • I've tried hot glue, and 3M foam tape.

    What seems to work the best for me is either a sandwich of 3M foam tape, or hot melt to glue the disc down, and then cover that with the 3M foam tape to reduce feedback.  The hot glue is a little brighter, IMHO. 

    I might try that pipe trick...  There have been many discussions on piezo pickups... debates on size, placement, etc.

  • The thing about piezos is that you can use almost anything to attach them.  But, you need to protect them from ambient sound to reduce FEEDBACK.  I typically attach with super glue, but then cover the back of the pickup with a layer of silicone caulk.

  • I found this way was less noise, it's only my opinion.


    You can see that the piezo is embedded in a recessed gap with hot glue then covered again with hot glue. I find this reduces noise from the neck and when touching the box.

    • Hey Reeds - I used that method on a build - but used two - stacked and wired in parallel - I was pleased with the sound - I'm going to try a few more when I get a chance.
      This should have been right under the pic of your PU - it seems to have jumped ! :-)

    • P.S These pick up can be cut....sometimes I get 4 or 5 pups just from one.

  • I sit a piece of plastic waste pipe on the soundboard,half fill with hot glue,sit the piezo in,fill to top306208757?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    • Now that is interesting.  Gonna try this on my next build. How deep is this thing?  Always hard to tell size/depth on these pics.

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