Hey Everyone!

I need some help. I've been thinking since last year about founding a non-profit, tax-exempt organization for he purpose of spreading the cigar box revolution through demonstrations and exhibitions--especially to children in the form of workshops. Since then, the idea has emerged of, if possible, legitimizing the KC CBG Festival as such an entity.


I was wondering if anyone knows anything about the feasibility of this idea, any experience or any insight or advice for me as to how to proceed. I'm really desperate for some help. I'd like to get this established as soon as possible.





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  • OK, so here's an update for those of you following. In my last post about this subject, I mentioned the proposed Midwest Cigar Box Guitar Project, which I still think is a great idea. But I'm a big-idea kind of guy, so I brought the proposal to my partner and wife, Sharon, who is, by the way, who came up with this idea, and she, with her detailed way of thinking really helped whittle my big idea down to a manageable size, as I knew she would. Together we've come up with some feasible steps to get to the big idea.


    While we still have to come up for a name for the initial inception, we've decided to begin with cigar box guitar BUILDING WORKSHOPS. Any donations we get from, either outside or during the festival, will first go to funding workshops for kids during the ensuing year. How many will depend on the accumulation of donations received and used to furnish these workshops. Make sense? Having seen the rapt interest youngsters display during my concerts and educational exhibitions, I know many will be interested in acquiring, or more importantly BUILDING, their very own cigar guitar. So if any of you are interested in donating cigar box guitars, cigar box guitar-related items or $$$ to help us with that goal, as some of you have already generously expressed interest in doing, thank you,that opportunity will be open very, very soon.


    First, we'll come up with a name for the workshop aspect of the Project. I'm open to suggestions.

  • I'm thinking...instead of the Kansas City Cigar Box Guitar Project, why not the Midwest Cigar Box Guitar Project, since our festival brings in people from all over the region? It would also allow officers and members from other cities and states!

  • FOR ANYONE INTERESTED, despite some of the unwarranted flak I've received from one source on here, I wanted to share what I've STARTED as a proposal for the organization that been forming in my mind and see what you thought. MIND YOU, this is simply a tentative sketch to something that I hope to bring to fruition soon here in Kansas City. I'm still working everything out. At the very least, this will give your all here a little better idea of the direction I'm going with this:


    PROPOSAL FOR The Kansas City Cigar Box Guitar Project


    Brief summarization of program: A cultural establishment characterized by a community of Kansas City cigar box guitar performers/builders who are committed to passing on the knowledge, experience and passion of cigar box guitars mainly in the Kansas City area using concerts and live performances and organized cigar box guitar building workshops especially for kids, with our efforts throughout the year culminating in the annual Kansas City Cigar Box Guitar Festival.

    Mission Statement

    The Kansas City Cigar Box Guitar Project exists to educate the culture about the cigar box guitar and its place in American history, both past and present, with the goal being to encourage and excite others to adopt the instrument as a legitimate and fulfilling way to express oneself musically at minimum personal expense.

    Breakdown of activities

    1. Concerts and exhibitions. Performing members/officers will on occasion utilize the musical stage to increase interest in both cigar box guitars and this organization when possible. In addition, special attention will be given to schools and other education institution for the opportunity to facilitate teaching/performing exhibitions detailing the history, construction and music of cigar box guitar, its place in American music of the past and present. Performers are encouraged to be individualistic in their style and approach, but to always remember the goal of the Project and its endeavor to reach general audiences. Music selections are expected to reflect this philosophy.
    2. Cigar Box Guitar Building workshops. Efforts will be ongoing to organize and facilitate one-string cigar box guitar building workshops for young people and, when possible and feasible, adults, so that they will be encouraged to pursue musical exploration without the tremendous cost of purchasing an expensive instrument, staying true to the president’s saying, “There are few things more inspiring than making music on an instrument you’ve built with you own hands.” Cost to participants should be minimal or nonexistent, when possible. While the guitars built at these events will be single-stringed for cost effectiveness, room will remain on the head pieces for the builder to add more strings at his or her discretion. Children must be accompanied by a parent or supervised by a legal adult to participate. Parents are encouraged to work with their children.
    3. The annual Kansas City Cigar Box Guitar Festival! All concerts, exhibitions, workshops and promotion will culminate in this yearly event which occurs each summer or fall. This free event will feature cigar box guitar performers, local or otherwise, as well as open microphone opportunities to encourage closet performers to show their stuff before an always-appreciative audience. A raffle, with cigar box related prizes, shall be held with monies collected from ticket sales going to benefit the efforts of the Project.


    An adequate sound system to accommodate most performance venues. This should, at the very least, include a sound board, mixer, several available microphones with stands, speakers, amplifiers and the accessories to enhance the listening experience.

    Building equipment and supplies for workshops. Materials should include a number of minimally prepared wood for one-string guitars, to minimize the safety risk to would-be participant

    Efforts will be made at the outset to acquire the above through charitable donations.






    • Kevin, that plan sounds very good and I think the decision to go with single string design expandable for more is a wise idea.  I would be happy to help, but probably in a small way. 

      I can send you a donation if that will help and if you have use for them, I can bring you some already made one string guitars and likely some spare parts at KC fest.

      Please let me know how I may be of help.


  • Kevin, did you see the blues for schools related vid that Dan Sleep posted?   Good stuff.  I was thinking of offering them (up in Maine) some didleys as donations.  Thing is, if they'd knock on my door, I would give them 3.  But finding boxes and shipping is something I don't like. You are closer to home.   Can you use some diddleys for your work with kids?  I can bring them to KC fest

    • Absolutely! That'd be great!

  • Interesting.  Seems worth a shot there.   Seems like if the description had some 'buzz words or phrases, like Society for the preservation of cigar box guitars and music.  Or some such.   This is a visual, aural, and traditional folk art we are carrying on and evolving.  

    Looking forward to the KC fest. 

  • Kevin are you driving over for the stlouis fest
    • Revision to my last statement about driving to the St. Louis fest...we had a major home repair that's eating into what WAS going to be my St. Louis trip budget, so...I might not get there after all, dang it. We're still trying to work it out somehow, because I'd really love to get there for the first festival.

    • I believe so, yes, baring any unforeseen trouble to make it impossible.

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