
  • I have one - it is ok, but for me,  I really prefer the sound of the cigar box amps (made with the noisy cricket (LM386) plan.  

    Much lower background noise. Just my 2 cents worth.

    • Building one of those now actually. Looking forward to comparing them. We're very fortunate there are so many affordable options.

  • Yeah, I just bought a used (new condition) one for $25, It's awesome for the CBG! Plenty loud and can set set to play clean or dirty. Fits right in the case with my guitar too. Best $25 I've spent in awhile. Now I just need to dirty it up some and relic it! ;)

  • I recently picked one up in a charity shop and love it!

    It feeds back easily with the piezo pick up in my Diddly Bow but I love the low volume high distortion you can achieve and its pretty loud when you want it to be.

    For me its a darned good off-the-shelf mini cbg "toy".

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