Hey, guys. I just recently decided to start offering custom acoustic and electric bridges a little more aggressively. These contain the quality that you find on conventional acoustic guitars and Fender style electrics but they are built specifically for three and four string guitars. If you like the idea of something a little nicer than a bolt but are daunted by the task of making one (or you just want to buy something you can be sure will work right out of the box), please come over and check out my listings: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220481814116&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220481819755&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT Thanks all for your time! Josh

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  • You build a frame to ring the walls of the box, which is what you glue the lid to rather than the walls of the box itself. To support the bridge, gluing a 1/4" thick strip of oak directly under the bridge, as long as it's at least as wide as the bridge, has always been more than enough for me.

    If you're interested go ahead and hit the buy now button on the auction. I'll get going on it for you ASAP.


    Kevin Morgan said:
    Nice work I might have to have you make me one. I am working on a four string mandolin right now and have been wondering how to make a tail piece or something. How do you reinforce the box to be able to with stand the string tension? Looks good....
  • Nice work I might have to have you make me one. I am working on a four string mandolin right now and have been wondering how to make a tail piece or something. How do you reinforce the box to be able to with stand the string tension? Looks good....
  • LOL. Without trying to sound like I'm selling something, I'd say you're quite there already. You ever want me to make something for you, that's cool, just let me know. But honestly, from what I've seen, you don't need me for anything. You just want to experiment some is all.
  • Sweet Josh! Now I'll just have to increase the quality of my builds to fit these bridges....... :-)
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