
  • Hi Hooch, after losing some posts that took some time to send I sorta lost enthusiasm. And I thought that if we keep posting the “long way” then maybe the problem will take longer to fix, cos how are they going know if its broke if it looks like its working. I just type in “test” and if that does not appear, I leave it and move on, usually.
    However just to show I am not using invisible ink Hooch I’ll post this. I hope.
    I had to chuckle when I saw the CNC post. I suppose it stems back to why has the person started building guitars in the first place.
    It could be because they like being challenged and being creative, it could be that as a woodworker they want a different challenge, or it could be the person is also a musician and wants an original instrument, builds one, and it snowballs from there. And for some, a very few I’d say, it’s got to be easy, quick and “if I churn these puppies out by the dozen I can make more money” no matter if they are all the same. Nothing wrong with that, just get a CNC setup and spend time at a desk instead of the bench.
    For me it’s the rewards that come from mastering a particular woodwork skill and the satisfaction of seeing a job well done even if I’ve been assisted by a machine. At least I was operating it. I would hate to have to reply to a customer when they say, “how the hell did you do that”? with “well I sat at the computer for 3 hours and……….”
    I’ve seen some questionable CNC manufactured acoustic guitars of big-name brands, when disassembled for major repairs. At least I can put things right before I move to the next phase of the build. Out of site out of mind is not good enough on a $5000.00 guitar.

  • Tim check out my post about my "Baddest Tool find".
  • I agree with you on the scalability of it. I wish this was available when I was building remote controlled Tugboats, I could have scaled it down to use my dremel router on balsa wood. Wife said no to building one, no room for it. Her actual words were "You're not bringing that big damn thing in the living room!"
    • check out the website... there are improvements to that original design.. still looking for someone who has made a small one..

      some have added a Z axis... neck carve anyone?

  • i like the way its scalable. so for our purposes you could make one that cut 2 foot square, i.e. 2 foot by 2 foot.

    that should be big enough to rout out the sides ,top and bottom of a nice box for a guitar.could use a less powerful router etc.... i would like to make one some day.

  • Once again I'd like to see what people's opinions are concerning this. All replies are blank so please repost your previous comments.
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