Greasy's Easy Chords

Since i started playing these cbg's i've been wishing i had a chord book. A recent attemp to teach myself music theory gave me the idea to try to share anything i learn to help myself memorize what i've learned, and give ppl a sort of Chord Book. this will be a work in progress, so please be patient!

The Three String Charts

Leave any and all Three string chord chart requests along with the tuning here!

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    Reeds Taylor

    I made this up too refer to when playing..its for Gdg tuning

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      Scott aka Farmer Ted

      Hey Grease,

      I made a pair of strumsticks, one w/ diatonic frets in DAd (which I figured out), and one with regular frets tuned GDB. Would much appreciate a basic list of chord shapes for this setup (GBD).




      Farmer Ted (Scott)

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        Jim Dickison

        The problem with this chord chart is that the heavy bar at the top typically represents the nut of the instrument. To show chords further up the neck, you need to NOT show the nut, and put a number next to one of the frets to show the actual position on the neck. Here's a corrected chart:
